Get Wicked in an Elevator!


Happy (Almost) Halloween!!!

I’m so excited to be part of this Entangled blog hop. And since my first book, Flirting with the Competition, just came out yesterday, I’m super-wickedly excited. In Flirting with the Competition, Whitney and Jordan get stuck in an elevator on their way to a really important job interview. Even worse, they are competing for said dream job. Okay, I had to make things even worse than that…they hated each other before they stepped into the elevator.


So that got me thinking. Who would I NOT want to be stuck in an elevator with? Funny how all of my answers are from TV shows and movies. Without further ado, here’s my top five list…

5. Candyman – yes from the movie Candyman, a slumber party favorite from my adolescent days. My face still breaks out just thinking about that movie.

4. Any creepy child. I’m talking to you, girl from The Exorcist, weird twins from The Shining, freaky kid in the doll shop on Pretty Little Liars, etc….

3. Caleb from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oh Caleb, how I still have nightmares about what you did to Xander!

2. The Governor from The Walking Dead. True, I probably shouldn’t want to be stuck with zombies either. But at least you can kill zombies. I feel like the Governor would talk me out of killing him so that he could kill me.

And the #1 bad guy I wouldn’t want to be stuck on an elevator with…

1. The evil, terrifying, creepy-as-hell clown from Stephen King’s, It. You know that clown is the reason the majority of the population hates clowns. *shivers*


I’d love to give one wicked reader an e-copy of my new novella, Flirting with the Competition. All you have to do to enter is answer the following question in the comments: What TV or movie bad guy (or girl) would you NOT want to get stuck on an elevator with?

(Contest runs until 11:59 p.m. EST on October 30th. Winner will be revealed right here on Halloween. Trick or Treat!)